
The acceptance of the Ancestrian Theory is only the beginning, and is by far not going to be the solution to mankind's challenges. The theory is presented as a tool to put the truth in front of us so we, as a developing species in the vast universe, can make proper decisions going forward into our existence and evolution.

Almost identifiable as evidence of some kind of divine test, once the truth is actually shown and widely accepted, mankind will be saddled with what could yet be his greatest challenge of all.

With religions downgraded to basically traditions of past belief or even removed as a trusted source of guidance for his evolving behavior, mankind will have to develop and engineer new ways to maintain order, ambitions and good behavior among the masses. Believe me when i write that i will never say all religions were a bad thing to get us started and stabilized as a species.

Had the origins been truthful from the beginning, there might have better argument to extend them in some form beyond the ultimate proof that they were fabricated by man finally being exposed.

The observation does have to be disclosed that most people who follow religions as a general rule, can be mostly viewed as moral good citizens, that support the virtues of love, caring, friendship, law and trust,. Very obviously that is not an absolute statement. Believe me I am not an idiot. I know there are always exceptions to the rule, sometimes far too many to tolerate, but for the most part, there is enough evidence for you to agree that this statement can be considered mostly correct.

Without delving into some kind of similar format,  mankind will have to develop a system of  teaching and raising his young about the potential benefits and or consequences of  each and every decision they will make in their lifetimes. and that their lifetime itself as sentient human beings, will be a collective summary of those decisions, possibly reviewable by other familiar immortal consciousnesses after the life itself is over. That thought alone, might be enough.

Just imagine the thought of actually having every relative you have ever been shown exists, or existed, ----every IMMORTAL relative,---- ancestors, grandparents,fathers, brothers, sisters, or mom, -----(OMG) -----having the social option of reviewing what you did in your time as a scentient life form,---- every moment of it,----- once your life is over, ---seriously??

I am not even dead yet and that thought gives me chills of embarasment already---OMG!!!--( no pun intended), Just imagine most of you actually thought that this giant universe we reside in was so empty and boring.

You really don't have a clue right now of just how wrong that is----But you will


A very serious question to be asked would be, would any behavior taught by the family structure during your experience being alive in the solid universe have any consequences to where you might go next? (Remember it WAS imagination that created the heaven and hell concepts in all the original religions, ) ( Ohh sorry ----you haven't read the book yet, i keep forgetting)

Seeing i spilled the beans on that one again, (dammit), you might as well be introduced into the Mother OF ALL  statements presented in the Ancestrian Theory, ----Imagination has a major foothold in reality.---

Believe me when you're done reading this book you will totally get what those words mean. In certain ways, they actually define the theory.( I know right now that may not sound like a credible statement,but you will see just how the pieces fit.)

  It is part of what will shock you to core.

Those seven words are totally and undeniably proven beyond any doubt, in ways i can almost guarantee there is absolutely no way in hell ( again no pun intended )you can see right now.


Enough distraction -- back to the business about the family thing


It is my belief that the social reinstatement of a rock solid family structure will be front and center to any chance that has the ability to accomplish future prosperity of the human race in a manner that can survive the ages. Religions have always been a guiding block to the family structure, but the family structure usually does the heavy lifting in raising the young properly, and if the young are raised properly, it betters the chances they will be successful, creative, imaginative, and well behaved members of the collective societies that presently inhabit the earth, and soon may also inhabit other locations in the universe as well.

Without the use of religious guidance, there will have to be an extended basis for the understanding of morality.  Who knows, a base family structure may even have to be in the form of law. Time will tell.

Obviously a system of law will continued to require maintenance, but it is unknown at the present time,if that will be enough.

With the knowledge that the building blocks of our individual sentients, or the summary of them, are very possibly immortal, ( damn--- i just gave away another clue ), it is unknown if mankind as a species, overall, can return to the benevolence of the theorized ancient Ancestrians, without making the same mistakes and repeating their history (dammit --- i did it again---).oh well---

What is also unknown is if this newly empowered society, made up of the newly awakened species known as mankind, can avoid the above mentioned curse of the words "history repeats itself", that has very possibly haunted any and all sentient lifeforms that may have ever existed in societies in the cosmos, possibly for an infinite number of eternities,  ( something else that is explained in the book, quite strikingly actually.)

Another cost that the loss of religious systems will bear, is maintaining the ability to use the emotions of  both love and hope in the proper manners and times.

It is the authors belief, and a strong basis to the origin of the theory, that all emotions possessed by us as sentient beings, are inherent characteristics that are imbedded in the sentient life force itself we all posses.   I will not blow up the statement "They may be universal ", on that one too badly, but you get my drift.

How mankind responds to loss and tragedy, will be another critical point of evolution.  It is possible that it could still be taught to the masses,that there truly is the possibility of a creator to pray to, or mentally fall back on in hard times, but at the present moment I am not capable of suggesting just how exactly that could be done truthfully, without the direct knowledge and proof of the existence itself.  Any promoted existence, must be proven to exist, especially with the real truth of our own existence being now known by us.  We cant play games with that.

Just how that could be proven enough to honestly support the trust of the belief is yet to be determined.

It very well could be that once we get use to understanding exactly what we are,--- that answer just may actually find US.

For every perceived and forcasted benefit there is always a cost, and a risk in the process, -- lets hope we get this one right.