What's left you might ask?


Without giving it all away, The only thing we can tell you Is to be prepared For the ride of your life,--- on the back of yourself.

This book formally introduces The Ancestrian Theory, along with troves of evidence supporting its true plausibility, in a very entertaining manner using many down-to-earth concepts and observations that are experienced by all of us every day, and many well-known and clearly understood realities, contained within the life we live. All of which are very obvious clues to just what is going on here. 

It presents the case of The Ancestrian Theory in a way that is very hard to deny. The author constantly challenges you to go out and try to verify what you are reading. The results of any attempt you make, -- are very predictable, --- far in advance.

The truth is the truth

Every once a while a theory comes along, that ends up being just that --- the truth.            It is the hope of the author that this book will change the way you begin, live through, and end, every day for the rest of your wonderful life.  

Whether you experience this book for enjoyment, education, or both, you are sure to find it entertaining.

 It is guaranteed to be the subject of many conversations for years to come. 

And fear not,---  it will not end with just this book.





This website was intended to act as an initial introduction into The Ancestrian Theory

I hope you found it helpful, and even more, I hope you choose to purchase and enjoy the book.

 This concept of the theory itself is only the beginning, There is far more out there to be experienced by all of us.


We definitely welcome all questions at all comments,

Due to the large number of responses received so far, the author and staff  can only promise that we will be on this end reading and appreciating any and all feedback. -- Who knows, if our stars align properly, ---We might even respond !!! 


Let us know who you are, and what you think !!!

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