About the Publisher
the publisher and author
FOXDENN, and associates
My freinds ——
This author is dedicated to bringing entertainment, truth and verification to the world, on many subjects which surround us.
Some of the topics we work with, may be controversial in nature, but it will be assured, that whatever you read within any work, originating from this source, you will certainly be empowered to open your eyes in both newly, and sometimes quite unique ways, --- especially to a lot of aspects within both our lives, and society.
There are many in our world, who seek to deceive the masses on certain truths, whether it be historical, political, societal, or even theoretical.
We exist to level the playing field.
We extend our highest levels of gratitude, to all of you who purchase our works, both now, and as they come out in the future.
Presenting the truth in many times, is not politically correct, and sometimes the best means to do it is neither. None of our writings are going to be there for the faint of heart.
With that being said, we have other works in planning, that will be of the greatest value in lightening your heart, and allowing your mind to lovingly wander, using imagination, fact and fantasy.
We believe a valuable reading source, should both be enjoyed, and trusted.
It is our fully intended mission, to bring you the highest and most honorable examples of both.
When you see the name Foxdenn, you are assured to be exposed to many examples, of both entertaining, and very interesting reading.