The Ancestrian Theory explains in-depth the connections between our mysterious scentients,(mind, thoughts, awareness), and both the physical world, and the surrounding cosmos it resides in.
It is now time for the population of the Earth to know the truth.
For too long, mankind has been avoiding too many logical attempts to truly view and comprehend the source of his origin.
There are reasons why this has happened.
The time for ignoring the facts is over.
We are developed enough as a species to finally remove the self imposed restraints.
The theory connects the dots between the scattered opinions and conclusions mankind has assembled in his scientific awakening involving just how life on this planet actually came to be, what it is, and just how it works. It is wonderfully amazing what you see when you remove the blinders that have crippled us from learning the truth.
The vast assemblies of information we now posses and identify as both chemistry and physics are now capable of explaining at an intellectual level, most of what appear to be the laws and features that govern a fairly large portion of the physical universe we presently can see. As complicated as they seem to be as subject materials, everything about both all boil down to just two basic building blocks of existence. Matter and Energy, and how they interact.
But for reasons you will discover in the book, we have apparently ignored what appears to be the most important basic component of the cosmos itself.
What is missing is a third major classification of existence that very obviously connects all the dead end links in our failed studies of just what life itself is.
This classification is the missing component that is needed to complete the total understanding of our existence. Using just the combined studies of chemistry and physics have failed to explain too much of whats going on here.
Way too much.
Why modern mankind has not accepted the innumerable invitations of fate to see and correctly apply what is so obviously incredibly important, remains a mystery.
There are many theories, supported by many facts.
Maybe getting through infancy, deep in the processes of our mental evolution, has been our biggest obstacle.
But no longer. The truth is here.
You are about to read it.
Take one last look at the little world around you as you dive into this book, Because all the things about life and death that frighten you, and all the sadness about lost loved ones, will be things that may never bother you again. The truth is almost as powerful as you are about to discover YOU actually are.